Language spoken in Budapest
Hungarian is the official language spoken in Budapest and the rest of Hungary which, shares very few words with English or other Western European languages.
Most Hungarians speak English, especially in restaurants, stores, museums and hotels. But if you want to immerse yourself in the culture, below are some useful phrases.
Useful expressions in Hungarian
- Hello/goodbye (1 person)
- Szia
- Hello/goodbye (various)
- Sziasztok
- Good morning
- Jó reggelt
- Good afternoon
- Jó napot
- Good night
- Jó éjszakát
- Welcome
- Üdvözlöm
- Please
- Kérem
- Thank you
- Köszönöm
- You're welcome
- Szívesen
- I'm sorry
- Bocsánat
- Maybe
- Lehet
Useful words
- Man
- Férfi
- Woman
- No
- Yes
- Igen
- No
- Nem
- One
- Egy
- Two
- Ketto
- Three
- Három
- Four
- Négy
- Five
- Öt
- Six
- Hat
- Seven
- Hét
- Eight
- Nyolc
- Nine
- Kilenc
- Ten
- Tíz
- Water
- Víz
- Beer
- Sör
- Wine
- Bor
- Milk
- Tej
- Juice
- Gyümölcslé
- Bread
- Kenyér
- Soup
- Leves
- Salad
- Saláta
- Cheese
- Sajt
- Egg
- Tojás
- Omelette
- Rántotta
- Potato
- Krumpli
- Rice
- Riza
- Pork
- Disznóhús
- Veal
- Marhahús
- Chicken
- Csirke
- Turkey
- Pulyka
- Lamb
- Bárány